My Immune-Boosting Grocery List. Mayor Bill de Blasio announces plans to fully reopen NYC by July 1st.
Now, while there are many different opinions on how and if this should happen, the fact of the matter is it’s happening. Life in our new reality, must move forward. People often forget that while your mask is important, i.e what’s worn outside your body – what goes inside of your body is much more important. Eating meals that include nutritious food strengthens your immune system, preparing your body to win any fight, with any virus.
As a stylist, I have to be in constant contact with people – travelling, coming within 6 ft of a model etc. So I make sure to eat with intention. And it’s honestly very easy to incorporate foods & herbs that strengthen your immune system, into every meal!
Here’s a sneak peak at my Grocery Shopping List:
Spinach – great for salads, pastas, juices
Kale – salads, burgers
Broccoli – alone, baked potatoes, pasta
Blueberries – oatmeal, smoothies, pancakes
Oranges (citrus fruits & juices)
Mango – great alone, in salsas, cous cous, salads
Cilantro – great for salads, sauces, salsas, tacos, rice dishes
Turmeric Root – tea
Ginger Root – tea
Garlic – great in everything!
Cayenne Pepper
Elderberry Tea
Peppermint Tea
Echinacea Tea
Lemon – tea, salad dressings, fish & chicken dishes
Honey – tea, toast, dressings
Red & Green Pepper
What’s a “must have” on your grocery list? Let us know below!